November 6, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Our annual ritual of pumpkin carving was stepped up to a new level this year as Vince introduced power tools into the concept:  (Yvonne is introducing herself to whatever is in the bowl.)

Also an annual ritual and right of passage for each pumpkin, the annual "I'm sick, I'm sick" pumpkin barfing up his guts: 

Ta Da!  The beautiful finished product.  Mine is on the left and Vince's "Yvonne look-a-like" is on the right:

 And of course, the spooky night shot:
Hope you got lots of candy this year!  Happy Halloween!


Carol said...

Oh, you two are sooo creative! Vince's pumpkin really is a Yvonne look-a-like and Debbie's looks like a cartoon character....I can't think of the name....maybe Felix?

Debbie said...

It wasn't meant to be a "look-a-like." I just kind of made it up as I went. But if it looks like Felix or Sylvester...I'll take it!