November 29, 2010

Artsy Weekend

In order to enlarge our horizons and broaden the mind, Thanksgiving weekend we set out on an artsy adventure.  First we took an art class....painting Chickadees on ornaments and notecards.  We started with a blank slate:

As class moved along, our art skills progressed:


And finally the piece da resistance!  The finished product...the fruit of our labors...
We are officially artists....well, artists in training that is...

Saturday we met friends downtown and went to the IRT for a production of "Mary's Wedding."  It was set during WW I and was about a young woman who was dreaming a very vivid dream the night before she was to be married.  Unfortunately, they turned the lights down....and well it was after 9:00 pm and well.....I may have missed a few lines in the middle somewhere....

Artsy, eccletic weekend officially completed!  YAY for long holiday weekends!  Hope your Thanksgiving was awesome!

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