Yes, all of this was very necessary! Dad is the driver, Vince is in the passenger seat, Mom in the back and I am strapped to the roof as we are now officially out of space. And so the trip begins....
We only got a few miles down the road...and in what was to be one of many successful wildlife rescues.... Dad stopped the van (in the middle of the highway) and Vince got out and guided a box turtle helplessly stranded in the road (certain death was imminent!) to the safety of the woods. Whoohoo! Wildlife Rescue I - SUCCESS!
On to Crane, the cabins and the lake looked exactly as we remembered....we busied ourselves putting away our few meager supplies for the weekend. (We like to rough it, ya know!)
As I was working away, I heard a commotion on the cabin's front porch...sure that it was an intruder, I took my new karate defensive position...when what to my wandering eyes should appear? Why it's Rocky Raccon, what a dear!
Isn't she the cutest ever?
She was attempting to pull items off the front decorate her own place I suspect. The liquid bleach to clean the showers sadly met with its untimely demise.
Onward ever...first night was a campfire with delicious campfire pizzas:
The next day dawned bright and sunny and we were out to catch a boatload of fish:And catch we did! Look at the whopper Mom hauled in! :-) (Ah, well, there is always the Amish Restaurant up the street...I think they serve fish!)
One evening Vince and I set off for a hike and once again saved endangered wildlife:
Rocky the Raccon became a regular under our cabin. She would be nowhere to be found until the food came out and then she mysteriously would appear. She loved potato chips, frosted mini-wheats, hot dogs and peanuts. Heeeeeerrrrrreeee's Rocky!

Well, sadly, all good things must end....well, actually they don't have to....but anyway. Once again we are on our way ....this time headed home, but not before one final wildlife Boxy the Box Turtle. Wildlife Rescue III - SUCCESS!
Camping at Crane on Memorial Day Weekend? SUCCESS!
Wow! This sounds like an awesome camping trip! So much fun and wildlife rescuing going on. Since you guys are getting so adept at it, and since you convinced your Mom & Dad to come along, I think we should start planning for you all to attend the Great Dale Hollow Getaway 2011. What do you think? If you go with a van packed like that for 3 days, you'd better reserve a U-Haul for a week-long trip. Between what Mom brings and what you all bring, we would officially have everything ever invented by modern man.
You're too funny! If we have everything ever invented, we could just stay and never come home again. Works for me! :-)
Are you and Steven going in 2011?
I know exactly where I caught that fish! I will go back next time and catch him again when he is big and fat!
JumpingJeosaphat! Looks like a great time to me! Definitely need you guys at the great Dale Hollow Getaway 2011. You meet all the qualifications for entry and extra for wildlife rescue. So far we rescued a fawn from the middle of the lake, a few birds and murdered a wolf spider and her blue million babies on her back. Lighter fluid works very well.
Grizzly Bear
Wait a minute, was I just insulted by my daughter? Just because I always have the things people could ever need? I think that is a virtue.
One year between Carol and I we brought everything necessary. Remember, Sis?
Grizzly Bear
Yes, Kathy, I remember! It took half a day to unload, but, by golly, we had anything and everything anyone wanted or needed or left at home! Boy Scouts always being prepared have nothing on us!
Debbie, we are definitely on the calendar for 2011. If we can squeeze out some spare change, we may even try to make it for a weekend this year while the rest of the family is there. Please consider 2011...all of you!! Maybe if you come Mom will perform her world-famous walking on water trick. Complete with a water moccasin. Mom & Autie Carol, I wasn't insulting you. I was complimenting you! Who else could you go camping with, and while sitting around the campfire have a conversation like this:
Camper 1: "Hmmm. I really wish I had a pair of chopsticks right now."
Camper 2: "Yes, but what I really want is a pair of pantyhose. If I had a pair of pantyhose, I would wear them on my head."
Camper 3: "If I only had a fire-proof lockbox right now, I could lock my valuables in it. And I could really use a dolly to cart it around with."
Kathy: "Oh! I just happen to have a pair of chopsticks, a pair of pantyhose, a fireproof lockbox and a dolly right here in my car! Here, just help me unload the goat I brought to keep the grass around the campsite trimmed." :)
Oh, Teresa, that is hysterical! And I believe it!!!!
No, I was not insulted! When your Mom or Auntie Carol is prepared, we are prepared, and we are always prepared. For example, as we walked down to the pontoon for a day of fishing, here is the list of persons and their degree of preparedness:
Troy carried:
1. Fishing poles (plural)
2. Large tackle box
3. Fish net
Vince carried:
1. Fishing pole
2. Large tackle box
3. Fish baskets
Debbie carried:
1. Fishing pole
2. Two buckets of crickets
3. Container of beemoths
I carried:
1. Fishing pole
2. Large tote bag containing:
3. Beach towels in case a large blue gill pulled someone overboard!
4. THREE different types of bug bite remedy
5. Benadryl in case of allergic reaction to the bug bite
6. Antibiotic ointment and
7. Bandaids in case of fish hook injury
8. Snakebite kit
Now WHO was prepared???
Excuuuuse me! that would not be a goat, it would be a weed whacker including the extension cords, iced tea for drinking, and a small lunch in case you get hungry. Also an electrical strip to plug in the fan and tv set. Never bite the hand that supplies anything you may ever need. My 6 yr old grandson, Noah asked me why I have so much in my car, as he heard others talking...I told him I like to be prepared for any circumstance. He said, "Oh." right now I have in my car somewhere:
Scotch tape
Extra headlamp for headlight
AAA batteries
AA batteries
Shoebox with extra clothing, underwear, toiletries in case of snowstorm
Umbrellas (3)
Empty water container
6 bottles of water
Measuring tape
Dental floss
Trouble light with extension cord
Power strip (s)
Pencils and pens
Paper towels
Dish towels
(remember I just went camping, but some of this stuff stayed in there after last year's camping)
One black shoe
One red shoe
Paper plates
Moist towelettes
Oh I just found the other black shoe!
Indiana map
Directions to the Property
Cassette tapes
There is more but space does not permit.
Dog food and dog treats (but not the dog)
Beach towels........
Jump rope there room for you in the car?
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