April 30, 2010

Spring in Indiana!

aahhh!  Spring in Indiana at last, at last!  We have all waited for so long.  Just a few months ago I was saying that the trees and ground that were bleak and gray soon would be green and colorful.  It came true!  These are pictures from our yard: 
Below is Spring across the street at the neighbor's house:

Spring means New Life:

And one of the best part's of all...the taste of Spring!

Would you really want to be anywhere else?

April 28, 2010

The Three F's: Friends, Fun and Food!

We're on our way!  Left after work Friday evening, April 16th with our wonderful friends Ann and Ty for a Thunder Over Louisville weekend!  What luck...we were really blessed with the most picture perfect beautiful blue skies Saturday and Sunday.  (Kind of reminded me of San Diego...Aahhhh...San Diego....oops, I digress...)    Before we could drive to Louisville, we had an important stop to make:
Yes, that's right food!  (one of the three F's, remember?)  Mmmm...good!  It was 8:00 pm and we were hungry!  Got to Louisville later that evening for a night's sleep before the all day event on Saturday.

Men at Work!                                   Women at Work!

We set up camp and gathered around for our annual ritual:
The eating of Gert's Famous Fried Chicken!  MMMMmmmm....Vince is in paradise.

The Airshow started about 3:00 and lasted into the evening.

With over 1/2 million in attendance the year before, the city of Louisville was hoppin'.  We played cards, walked, and laughed with great company.  Check out the coolest ballon guy ever....he was really awesome and made balloon animals for free for the kids.

As evening fell (and the air temperature as well) it was on to the biggest firework show in the country  (I guess that makes 4 F's.)
Below is my favorite fireworks shot...I call it my Star Trek Amoeba Photo.  Doesn't it look like some other galaxy with a supernova exploding??

After the fireworks, got back to Gert's house llllaaatttteeee!  Sometime in the middle of the night I guess    
and sacked out 'til morning.  Oh, I guess some of us sacked out prior to that! HA!

Next morning, after a breakfast of Gert's Famous Fried Chicken, we went to Fort Knox to see the General George Patton Museum.  (Vince loves all things military.)  Plus it was free!  :-)

Sigh...almost time to go home!  But we had one more stop to make to end a wonderful weekend:

Oh yeah, more food!  and FUN!

April 7, 2010

The Big Date

Good Friday was the day!  It had been on the calendar for months and she was getting so excited and anxious!  Couldn't wait!  The day dawned beautiful and sunny just like the previous week. 

She had her tires fixed, fuel line replaced, brakes replaced, etc.  She was primped and ready to go on her first outing to the Badlands in Attica, Indiana....Meet Quadetta!

She was at last on her first date with Quad and she was soooo in love!
What an awesome day!  Riding over the hills and through the sands dunes.  So much of it looked like somewhere in the middle East or Egypt.  Quadetta got stuck on a hill once and was scared, but learned that she could make it to the top on her own if she tried hard enough and kept thinking positive thoughts.  Her big, handsome date, Quad rode up a big, scary hill to impress her.  She was impressed!

(See Vince and Quad in the distance.)
By the end of the afternoon she was tired and muddy....but what a perfect day.  Now it was time to head home for a bath...and pizza and a movie!  YAY!  Happy day!